Your office isn't as sanitary as you think. Follow these fixes for a clean-as-a-whistle workspace.
Addressing an election rally in New Orleans, Louisiana, shortly before 46-year-old Obama declared victory, the presumptive Republican nominee also sought to distance himself from President George W Bush on energy, military and economic policies. The Vietnam war veteran told a cheering crowd that they would listen a lot during the coming months that he represents third term of Bush, but that is because the Democratic candidate has nothing to offer.
Arjun Atwal fired a three-under 67 in the first round of the Mayakoba Golf Classic in Mexico to lie 14th.
The ace golfer went down to American Stewart Cink in the opening round of the WGC-Accenture Match Play.
The study also found that a woman's work area has more germs than that of a man.
Daniel Chopra comfortably made the halfway cut at the FBR Open after a second round of even par 71.
Recent research that suggests that office keyboards have more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat. So is your workstation clean enough?
Tyson faces two counts each of felony drug possession and misdemeanor driving under the influence in connection with his Dec. 29 arrest in Scottsdale.
Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson was charged with driving under the influence of drugs and possession of cocaine.
Anurag Basu recalls his experience of shooting Kites and his first visit to New York for the film's US premiere.
Bullying isn't reserved for the playground. The practice is hurting workplaces more than you'd think.
It would seem Sanskrit has become the flavor of the month in some parts of the United States.
The New York Giants achieved one of the biggest upsets in NFL history with a 17-14 victory over the previously undefeated New England Patriots.
With the recent violent incidents, parents and students across India are questioning the safety of studying in the United States. Some helpful tips.
The World Economic Forum last week named former Clinton Administration official, erstwhile Congressional staffer and longtime Democratic Party activist Shamina Singh, 41, as one of its Young Global Leaders for 2010.
Indians, cosseted by stories about their success in America, often think they are the golden immigrants, the good ones, guests who can come for dinner. And stay. Perhaps now the blinders will come off, writes Sandip Roy
Nine out of 10 educated Americans identified Sikhs with Muslims, says a survey.
A high-powered US delegation of top-notch American educators and researchers from six major medical schools, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Georgetown, will visit India on an ayurveda study-tour that could possibly lead to the incorporation of this ancient herbal remedies in the US medical curricula.
In what many movie observers believe is one of the biggest surprises in years, Dev Patel, 18, has just been nominated along with Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight), Josh Brolin, (Milk), Robert Downey Jr. (Tropic Thunder) and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Doubt) for the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Best Supporting Actor Award.
An MIT doctoral candidate in mechanical and ocean engineering from India Vikas Jhingran has won the first place in the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking, known as the Olympics of Public Speaking.
Dr Rahul N Khurana, a surgeon at the Wilmer Eye Institute at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Captain Marisha Malik, of Potomac, Maryland, were among the Ten Outstanding Young Americans selected nationally by the US junior Jaycees
As the global economy limps into 2009, barometers for the real estate industry are bleak.
'Were one to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan,' a report by a high-powered bipartisan commission that was mandated by the United States Congress, that nation's parliament, has said.
Dr Pradhan, a Democrat, continues to be the highest-ranking elected Indian American official in the state of New York.
This comes after a week-long speculation that business and charity ties of Hillary's husband and former US President Bill Clinton might preclude her from the position, because of a potential conflict of interest.
Sapana Doshi said, "It doesn't mean that our effort against Prop 8 (the initiative to ban same sex marriages) was a complete failure. We spread so much awareness. It has forever changed the way people think about same sex couples. For example, our family has been transformed. And so many families in California agree that we are denied our fundamental right. The verdict is a sad setback but not a defeat."
"In order for McCain to win, he's got a very steep hill to climb. He's got to win all of the toss-up states, 64 electoral votes. Then he needs to strip away Ohio and Indiana with 31 electoral votes to get him to 252. And then he needs to either win Colorado and Virginia, which gets him to 274, or win one of them plus Pennsylvania, which would get him to 282 or 286. It's a steep uphill climb," said Karl Rove, the 'architect' of President Bush's electoral wins in 2000 and 2004.
Set against the backdrop of the September 11, 2001 terror strikes, which rocked America, the film traces the events in the lives of the Singh family.
The OTC major plans to pump in millions of dollars into Vedants' manufacturing facility coming up by 2011 at Ambernath near Mumbai. Perrigo will then move production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs or the key therapeutic substance in a drug) from its sites in Germany and Israel to India.
Karan Gupta details the various MBA options available to students. To find the best programme, he says, 'start with self-analysis.'
Mumbai-born real estate developer Sunil Puri, like the other Obama delegates from Illinois, Ann Lata Kalayil and Selma D'Souza, has also known Barack Obama long before his run for the United States Senate in 2004 'through mutual friends who are also state legislators'.
Kenneth Haywood, the US national who gave the Indian police a slip, remains a mystery. Rediff's Matthew Schneeberger investigates.
Bush, according to The New York Times, had signed a secret Presidential Order after the 9/11 attacks, authorising the National Security Agency to track international phone calls and e-mails of hundreds of people.\n